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Aqua Bimini - Stay young forever

Can you believe that it has come to this?There is actually a company that is advertising anti-aging water, for real. I have seen the TV advert and actually had to visit the website just to see if this insanity is actually true. It is, or at least it seems to be for now.To be fair, I am the one saying that you can stay young forever, not them. They just claim that the water will help your DNA repair better over time. Apparently there is "proof" of their claims but to be honest I didn't really understand much of the information provided.Have a look:aqua_bimini.jpg
As you can see the product is called Aqua Bimini and people seem to think it's working - wonder how much they have been paid to think that?These people think it's the way forward, or something:aqua-drinkers.jpg