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A Mosque at 9/11 Ground Zero

I was going to let this one slide by unattended, but I can't.I'm blown away by the following video:Let me state upfront that I'm not 100% certain that Mr Pat Condell is serious, ironic or just plain ignorant and blinded by religious dumbing. Maybe a combination of all of the above.I'm not convinced at all by his uneducated and ignorant response to be honest. I think he is being far too simplistic in his views. He isn't delving in to the core issues - it's still not proven beyond doubt that the attacks on 9/11 were Islamic driven (and to insinuate that an entire religion orchestrated an attach is just stupid), if it was a small faction of zealots, a small faction of terrorists, an attack conducted by US internal agencies to prolong the war on terror and war in to Iran/Iraq/Afghanistan for their oil and political power or if it was a political and financial play by an elite group of politicians and bazillionaires. Tell me you know for certain, with irrefutable facts, who is behind the attacks and I'll make sure to call every major publication in the world and let them know. You can't, I know you can't.Further more, his response is as dogmatic and impractical as he states the Islamic religion is. Would it be OK to build a Christian church there? What about the Jews, Muslims, Hindus and other religions who had followers perish in the attack? America preaches freedom to a point of ridiculousness, so surely any company/organisation/institution is free (by law) to buy and build on any piece of land and not be judged by their religion?To continue along religious lines - It's ignorant to assume that all of Islam as a religion and culture dictates jihad in the form of killing others all the time in every form. What about the crusades many centuries ago? Should we prevent Christians from entering the societies of the countries that were once conquered? I think that's just silly.Condell seems to have some innuendo with his little rant. He appears to have an agenda and that is perfectly in line with any other religious rant that has ever taken place in the history of the world. Nothing ever appears to be what it actually is. Ever.