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2oceans: going, going, gone!

I must say that I am extremely contented that 2oceansvibe is out of the blog awards for 2007. He [Seth Rotherham] just announced that 2oceansvibe will be bowing itself out of the awards. What a relief, now it can actually be labeled the BLOG awards.Many people have problems with 2oceansvibe, as do I. Where are the comments Seth? Why don't you let your readers speak to you? Are there any readers (I am sure there are)? I have used the "contact us" section on the site a few times and received no feedback from Seth. I am sure he has reasons, I would love to know what they are.Seth posted earlier today about the 2007 SA Blog Awards, unfortunately I struggle to take him seriously and never read this "blog's" content (I can see Britney's shaved head and Paris's boobs anywhere) so I skimmed through it. Obviously Seth holds the awards in enough esteems to be upset when he feels things aren't going his way. He only joins in the debate near the end when big media picks up the story.Tsk, Tsk Seth, do regular bloggers not qualify to be responded to by someone of such high esteem as yourself. It takes big media to rouse your opinion? Well in my opinion bud, too little too late and too inconsequential.Oh, one last thing... I counted 48 adverts on 2oceansvibe. I think that's more ad than content on the homepage.