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IT’S ALIVE! The Curious Cult Show Podcast Launches

For a long time, I have enjoyed talking to smart people about interesting things. My background, aside from building businesses, is actually journalism and I love interviewing people to extract their genius for others to hear.

This year I decided that I was going to start writing my next book. The topic of the book is curiosity and more specifically how curiosity leads to innovation in the workplace.

So I set out to interview some of the most interesting people I could find.

I’m really excited about The Curious Cult Podcast. Each episode features a person that I wanted to speak to and each episode also serves as research for the book which is coming out in February 2021.

In the first episode, I talk to the founder of Electronic Arts, Trip Hawkins about his curiosity and how it led the creation of one of the largest gaming empires in the world.

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Head over to my podcast page and subscribe using your favourite platform.

The show is available on all the major platforms and I’ll be launching a new episode every week for the foreseeable future.

A shameless punt: if you listen to and like the episodes that are available, please leave a rating and review on iTunes, Spotify or anywhere else you can!