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2007 was a year to remember

Wow. What a year. To be honest, the thought of writing this post has haunted me for almost the entire year! I despise writing year-end summations. I despise them because there is so much that matters that cannot be mentioned. There is just too much stuff.But I've decided to give it a good go. I think that this will probably be the most personal post I've written all year. Who knows, here goes.I began 2007 in a bit of a daze and felt a bit overcome by many things. Jen moved back from London at the end of last year so she was back and we were together again. We have been together now quite a while. This has definitely been the greatest accomplishment of my year and the almost three that we have been together, keeping a woman like Jen is always an accomplishment, she is amazing.I currently still living with my Mom. She's a great source of strength for me and I think she is more of a friend than a mother now that I have grown up and can contribute to life a bit more. Thanks.I struggled in the first part of 2007 with work, money, freelancing, career path and life in general. I started a few projects that ended OK. I helped Courts start his blog, Sharepointexpert. I met Christof, Mike, Justin, Stii, Matt, Dave (who I knew before the "web 2.0 bubble") and many more. The 27 dinners became a stable event in my year. I also became reacquainted with Groogle and Shnitz which I am thankful for.My friends and I continued our 8:Thirsty tradition every Wednesday of the year. This is a time that we use to catch up, hang out and discuss our lives, paths, futures and reminisce about our pasts. Wednesdays are more often than not my favourite days of the week thanks to the 8:Thirsty Boys.After struggling with my freelance photography and writing - working for corporate clients and some smaller inserts in the Sunday Times - I decided that this was enough. At this point luckily I was found by Financial Mail and offered a job. I have been working there for close on 8 months now. What a pleasure. At 23 I have almost walked in to the perfect job. The only down side is the fact that I drive to work on the same road that I have driven since I was 12 on my way to school. That needs to change, but otherwise things are grand at the office.I started SA Rocks in 2007. This is an accomplishment that I am extremely proud of I must admit. SA Rocks has given me faith in my country once more. It has proven to me that people are inherently good with tinges of evil and that SA is a truly Rocking country if we allow it to be that. The growth of SA Rocks over the past 10 months has proven to me that I am not the only person in SA who wants to feel good about the country. I have successfully carried a 100% growth (and sometimes more) from month to month on SA Rocks.I have been accused of many things this year too. Waves and linkbaiting have definitely been the name of my blogging game on this blog. I think that this had made me more friends than enemies but I stand to be corrected on that one. First there was Guy who Paul, Vince and Justin helped and advised me with. Then there was Bolton who we are still debating at lunch with Matt, Vin and Justin. I was linked to on TechCrunch, met Jimmy Wales and spoke at the 2nd 27 dinner about the state of SA and why I love it. I also managed to sign a contract with Virgin Money to sponsor SA Rocks!Justin wrote his year-end post that I read today and he said it well; many people hope that next year will be better than the one gone past. This year I hope that next year can match 2007 because if it does I will have ample opportunity to make friends, make money and create my happiness.plett2.jpgTo everyone who has touched my life this year who I have left out I thank you for your involvement and input in to my life. It's been a long, difficult, challenging and rewarding year and I thank you all for being close to me.